Overseas? The date 17th December was also the first day of Capricorn, back then the signed ruled by Saturn,named for the god (Fowler, Roman Festivals and Beck, Journal of Roman Studies), Saturnalia also celebrated the harvest and sowing, and ran from December 1723. Since childhood you have been drawn to clubs, or the Brownies (for example) or teams today its more online but you are an Aquarius stellium woman, so on the outside, even though you are much needed by your people and they need you too. Your chart is easy to read as you are a Sun Cancer with stelliums in Cancer and Leo. You are a Sun Virgo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo and Libra. Your answer to the commenter also struck a chord and felt on point. He then goes into your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries and cultures, Julie. The North Node is also telling you about life as it was 18 or 19 years ago, either with your health, or with your job/course there is a message there to take on and use. Fascinating post as usually. In Virgo, we are talking about health and wellbeing on all levels. You gift is really amazing. In fact, the Vesica Piscis (bladder of a fish) is the shape you see in so many churches and cathedrals. Vesta So before March, try to make life simple and mimimal with relatives and property, but also religion (say) or self-help. Saturn is about to go into Pisces and your Twelfth House, natally, using the Natural House system. Just sitting down with a cup of coffee to look at recent comments, including yours. To Know The Time Of Raj Yoga, Order Now: Raj Yoga Report! I dont believe in luck or chance and do think its a predestined path but hope it would lighten up a bit. Jana. Letting your sister move in. Thanks Jessica !! Am I doomed??? Hi Jessica You may have sustained being single by fantasising about unavailable lovers. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. Saturn is at 18 Pisces so that is a tight triple conjunction. More thresholds and curbs. This dovetails with what I am seeing with courtship, the bedroom, parenthood, or other peoples children so the late Twenties are quite remarkable. Aquarius: Saturn moves into your sign in Aquarius, and this can be a time when youre taking on lots of responsibilities and assessing your life, including professionally. Virgo is the archetype of the unmarried daughter who stays at home and does the housework, cooks and cleans and looks after the family if they are unwell. If you are not already using hypnosis please consider that. Astrologically, this is the transition from youth to adulthood. Saturn is sometimes known as the daddy planet (yep) because it brings discipline and order to our lives. It is sexually transmitted, can be medically acquired (appalling hospital standards set by politicians from on high, mean it can be acquired in hospital) and it is passed on by tourists too. Thank you. It can also be the same as trying to get inside a situation and being blocked. Looking back, we find New York Times headlines about Catholic hospitals, ethics and AIDS. You cannot serve and do your duty if you feel unwell, on any level. 22 Aquarius 23 Thank you for a wonderful overview about Saturn. You find your voice (writing or talking) through your work, unpaid work or academia (Virgo) but obstruct yourself with blocks involving your literal voice, accent, vocabulary, speech (all Gemini) and literacy, handwriting, computers, microphones (more Gemini). The longer you wait, the more you find out. The placement of Saturn in Aquarius is so favourable because Saturn is a planet of tangible manifestation while the sign of Aquarius is about new ideas and visions. You have to get real about that, even more so than youve already done. Restrictions The waiting game is unavoidable with this cycle, but while you wait, you can learn a great deal to set you free. 28 Libra 02 08 In fact, Long Covid will force a lifestyle change that will make you feel far more free and liberated, day to day. It is uncomfortable for me to talk about money, what to charge for my work. Thanks for your insight, it is much appreciated . The other classic piece of advice about Saturn: do not create a strategy or way of coping/dealing that is actually more difficult than the issue making you feel vulnerable. This placement wants to give back and change the world. You are also here to lead by example in conflicts and contests. Your husbands Sun sign depends on his time, place and date of birth. As a Sun Leo you also have a new financial story in March, because Saturn enters your solar Eighth House of finance, property, business and charity. I wish you to get everything your heart desire (in French we say Tout ce quoi ton coeur aspire) Saturn in this sign in your chart shows where the thresholds are. Happy New Year. While Saturn returns also have the tendency to feel somewhat isolating, its a period of deep introspectionand once you come out on the other side, youll experience plenty of newfound clarity. It is very important to put your health (on all levels) first, from March 2023. If you are married, in a professional partnership or other duet (two platonic friends sharing a house qualifies) then this year and next year are all about examining the scales, balancing the scales, perhaps replacing the set of scales you use together to weight what is fair, and possibly looking at a legal aspect of a partnership with new eyes like a contract. As threshing comes after reaping in farming, we can see how our ideas about Saturn come from centuries of astrologers making connections and observations. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. Astrology is based on synchronicity. Your body is fighting this really well, even though the symptoms are weakness and so on. Saturn can be depressing because if you stuck inside a situation, it can feel as if the walls are pressing in on you. Huge year of welcome endings. Sorting out the aspects is really a matter of priorities. Minerva The barriers or barricades are shown by the signs involved. So, nothing to do with Saturn, but everything to do with Sixth House transits in your solar Sagittarius chart. Again, very long term, he will be in a partnership, or a new version of the old partnership, from 2026 which changes his life and sets him free. Business. May 2023 to May 2024 brings the biggest and best work and lifestyle choices in 12 years with more freedom, independence and a superior lifestyle. Its only common sense to be careful who you make commitments to, if you are a single Sun Virgo going into this cycle. This brings in new restrictions, curbs, barriers and so on. I have Saturn in Libra and with this change how it will impact me and my family If you can share your thoughts it would be great !! On a more personal note, Virgo is about your own self-care, your mind, body and spirit. Apollo A very simple way to check if someone is a Sun Pisces is to look at the importance of religion, spirituality (Buddhism, for example), therapy, counselling, Tarot, mediumship, dreams, psychics in their life. The new AIDS is Covid. Hi Jessica, I hope you are well. I wanted to ask about a recent healing modality I have experienced its a bit like cranio-sacral therapy, and I feel like it making sense for me, on a physical healing and intuitive level (Im a psychic medium but havent been working for a little while). So lighten the load in the Twelfth, Sixth, Eighth before he arrives. Would it be kindly possible for you to look at my chart and advise regarding Saturns impact once it moves onto Pisces? Also in 1992, the International Olympic Committee ruled athletes who were HIV positive could compete. 26 Libra 12 45 In astrology you take a series of tests with Saturn, and Saturn at 0 Pisces trine natal Saturn at 0 Cancer, but also Pluto at 0 Aquarius quincunx your natal Saturn, suggests March 2023 asks you to find a strategy that will work for you. The group may have been a club, society, association or other network. Tarot cards that represent Aquarius are The Star, Five of Swords, Six of Swords and Seven of Swords. Im a Sun Leo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. I also have a few very interesting transits taking place right now and would love your insights into how I should read/prioritise these especially when there are so many hitting the mark: Instead of playing beer pong, you want to sip ros. During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. Do you have any unconscious desire to have time off work, to leave work forever, to resign from life (even?) Your situation will dissolve when Neptune goes into Aries from 2026. On your Saturn Return, as you leave your twenties, Saturn returns to the same sign and degree it occupied at your birth and you have an important year or two, of dealing with heavy new thresholds. Thank you so much. Sometimes its a new skill or relationship or even a new life path. Best wishes She brought in another ship, with herself on it, and crew, who could row over to him, and negotiate a deal with him. Its worth having a look at. I remembered trying to have a reasonable conversation about sexuality and sin/harm with my dad back then and his only defense of homophobia was that he believed I was hurting god. Thankyou for all the brilliant articles. When people have been single for years, there is always a good reason. Concerning communication,the internet, to start over. Hi Jessica In that way they give themselves what their soul craves. Also accommodation and finances. March seems to be a turning point for your husband with his finances and your joint finances, so this looks like an insurance claim; a property sale; renovations. The opportunities do not stop until May. During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. He also has 2 Yods in his chart. Wait and see. And I still wanted to ask how Saturn affects the Pisces, since I also plan to write and publish something for the soul. Only you know what your past life was and why you have chosen this Saturn placement in this lifetime. Easy for me to say and hard for him to do, but Ceres in the chart has some lessons about balancing acts. Saturn in astrology is also here to cut out, another one of his functions, and to cut off. the last planet visible to the naked eye it represented the end of the solar system, the On December 17, 2020, the structured planet settles back into Aquarius If you feel a ball and chain, entrapment and suffocating, your chart can help. NorthNode The reason you have had a tough time is transiting Saturn at 24 Aquarius, opposing your natal Saturn at 24 Leo, pulling in Mars at 24 Cancer and Psyche at 23 Scorpio. Saturnalia in Rome was a holiday from all forms of work. You may have a few of them (overlapping circles). In addition, my mother was also very ill and passed away this year. 28 Scorpio 58 40 Saturn is in Aquarius as I publish this on December 17th 2022 and he will move into Pisces on March 8th 2023. This strongly Virgo person will likely have issues with the medication when Saturn slowly opposes the stellium from 3 degrees through to 27 degrees, so almost the whole cycle starting in March 2023 and ending in early 2026. The questions of purpose and the loss of external or internal structures will still happen, but it will be more conscious and overtly chosen, as opposed to something that compels you from the outside. I wondered if his luck changes for the better with his Aquarius heavy chart? . You are a Sun Virgo with stelliums in Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio. Thank you. You dont say if you are at war, with someone, or concerned with your marriage. Covid is one of them. Just because I am aware of how bad it is out here. We also share a child. I currently feel that I am near rock bottom already and am stuck in a rut with no light at the end of the tunnel , although I am trying hard to stay upbeat about the future! Thank you. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! Selflessness is a big theme here, as we do not make this journey for ourselves, but for something greater than us and beyond us. I have 5 stelliums in Aquarius, Leo and 4 in Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Virgo-Pisces is about finding a way to put your health first. Your husband is in luck and he will save or make a fortune after May 2023 and by May 2024. I feel I have grown up a LOT since 1992. Jessica, The world will experience a big bump. Aquarius Dates: Jan 21 - Feb 18 Symbol: The Water-Bearer Mode + Element: Fixed Air Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus House: Eleventh Mantra: I Know Body Part: The Shins Colors: Silver & Blue Tarot Card: The Star Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. This is the gift of Saturn transformation that, though difficult, is grounded and quite permanent. Love your website. In some ways, I have the sense of having made it safely through a very long storm. If its a big part of who they are, you have a Pisces. That is not your issue. Thus, a golden age and richer harvest.You can find out more about Saturn from any of the authors Ive mentioned. 29 The astrology of Saturn will be live. Infants. Transiting Apollo conjunct Ops at 20 Libra IC Apollo at 17 Scorpio is tied into the whole pattern, in the Eighth House. In astrology, you navigate successfully with knowledge. I decided to do a tarot reading for him and got the King of Cups. Sometimes the issue is not a religion; it is something that functions like a faith. I also enjoy reading your interaction with all the readers via the replies. The first involved breaking up with long term boyfriend and having an abortion. Many people experience Saturns motions through their birth charts as a kind of threshing or winnowing, a painful process of letting go. Chiron Saturn brings barricades and barriers; you were born with those surrounding the family home. I like the work of Linda Williamson on mediumship. Known as the taskmaster and karmic planet, Saturn helps us keep ourselves in check. Saturn has been in Aquarius (groups, friends, social life, networks) since December 18th 2020. You cannot avoid Saturn but you can avoid overloading yourself with matters which Saturn is going to weigh down for you. The desire to heal and purify the world is present, but in a way that is more clinical and detached, and less attuned to the realities of living in the material world. Read it aloud and ask your guides and family and friends in spirit to help you. The glyph for Saturn on your computer is based on a designed scythe. Ive mentioned before that I had Covid in 2020 and then long covid and have managed to keep completely virus and cold free since then. In case its needed, my husbands DoB is June 10, 1983. Apollo at 19 Libra returns to his birth position in your chart when he transits 19 Libra, so this is an Apollo Return, something most people dont talk about, but it is significant. One way around the transit is to indeed use the Tarot and ask how the oppositions are showing up, and how best to deal with them, for everybodys sake, but particularly yours. Jupiter in 13 Leo Ideals, perfection, and absolutes will become more important to all of us, as well as finding concrete steps to make them tangible, forming heaven on earth eventually. The Midheaven has nothing to do with a fathers legacy in my experience. A good way to think about Aquarius is the difference between the head of the Church of England (the monarch) and the Archbishop of Canterbury and the congregation. He owes a relative, or is owed by a relative, from 18-19 years ago.
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