I didn't know you but I know that you were a super boy, super brave, super kind, a boy that loved to everyone with all your strength. I'm so beyond sorry you're sweet boy was going through so much at such a young age. It is very hard to find the proper words this time. Mis ms sentido psame para ustedes. Te Amamos pequeo Drayke Ahora vivirs en nuestros corazones basta con ver tu mirada para saber q eres un pequeo ngel ve mi Nio al lado del seor Que nuestro Padre te reciba en su Cielo!! I have hugged my kids all day after reading about Drayke. An angel was born, kind heart and kind soul forever, Rest In Peace and love. Envio mucha fuerza para su familia y lamento en el alma su tan inocente y valiosa prdida. Eu tambm sou pai e meu filho sofreu bullying por quase um ano. That post had me in tears. Fuerza para tu familia. Sus hijo. for you all. Desde tan lejos envo mi ms sentido psame a toda la familia y mucha fuerza para superar todo el dolor que sents ahora mismo y que el tiempo os pueda ofrecer ese consuelo para poder seguir viviendo. Since I've heard about what had happened I haven't stopped thinking of his family or him. I just hope that you find solace in the fact that he knew YOU loved him. I am so sorry that this cruel world took your son. I'm truly truly sorry and my condolences, Qu dolor ms grande acabo de sentir al leer la noticia, no me puedo imaginar lo que debe sentir su familia Que en paz descanses pequeo, brilla fuerte all dnde ests. He will be your forever. He is in a better place now and he isn't in no more pain from those bullies. vuela alto Drayke y cuida a tu familia desde all arriba, Los abrazo al Alma. I'm very sorry for your loss, blessings to your family, now there is an angel shining in heaven <3. Cunto dolor siente uno, an siendo ajeno a la familia. Familia Dios los bendiga, tienen un ngel hermoso en el cielo y cuidar de ustedes. R.I.P. I am soo soo sorry for your loss , i can't imagine what your going trough. At times like these I remember a few words I read a long time ago. I am so sorry for your loss. I'll never forget you. Ah van a decir lo contrario. May the goodness, beauty, joy and genius of your little Drayke be with you always. siento que tu pequeo se marchara tan pronto. Un gran abrazo de corazn a corazn. There is nothing we can say that will lessen his pain or bring Drake home, but his story has moved and touched many lives, and has caused families to stop and reflect on what we are teaching and allowing in our families, to our kids. Be strong!! Thinking of you. I am so sorry for your loss. A funeral service will be held on Tuesday, May 2nd 2023 at 11:00 AM at the same location. There is no doubt God needs Angels in heaven. No one but you family and God know the pain you carry in your hearts, it is not fair what you have had to live, this should never happen, but what has happened has gone around the world and has impacted so many lives, your beautiful son will save more lives of children like him through his history, but he will do it from heaven, his soul is already at peace, my heart and prayers are with you family, Sorry for y'alls loss i be praying for you and your family rest in peace drayke we will miss you. Rest in peace. Hope you're now at peace. My heart is so broken and I have cried so much reading this story. So sad to hear about this loss so close to home. I hope we can all keep his light shining bright by being kind to others. Know my heartfelt condolences are with you. No puedo creer la maldad de algunas personas. We will all continue to fight for you and everyone else .. Please know that I'm praying for you from Memphis. I am truly sorry that you are going through this situation. I am so sorry your baby boy, and your family had to go through such pain. Mm is ms sinceras condolencias, con mis ojos hechos un mar de lgrimas le deseo el descanso eterno con Dios padre y mucha fortaleza a tus padres. I feel very angry with his aggressor. I saw your post after one of my friends shared it on their Instagram and when I read it I was in tears. Clair xx. Que brille para l la luz que no tiene fin,que descanse en paz. Sending loads of love and light to your little blue eyed angel and your family. I can't begin to imagine your family's pain. Our hearts are broken for your family. My heart hurts so much. I DONT HAVE WORDS TO EXPRESS MY BAD WORDS ABOUT PARENTS THAT ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN TO BULLYNG, SINCERELY I REALLY SORRY ABOUT YOUR LOST, I CANT EVEN IMAGINE YOUR PAIN. My heart hurts so deeply for your loss. Effie Dockery departed this life on Monday, December 5, 2022. El da que supe sobre t, pude sentir como mi corazn se destrozaba en mil pedacitos.. solo pensaba en la desesperacin que te pudo haber causado llegar a tomar esa decisin. Y deseo de todo corazn que esto del bullying termine de una vez! We embrace them from a distance. Que descanses en paz pequeo Drayke !!! Lo siento mucho, siento este dolor en el alma me rompe el corazn pero el chico guapo est un lugar mucho mejor y brillando como el sol, como una estrella hermosa. I don't understand how that happened to Drayke. I wish I could turn the clock back for you and bring your son home. No Conoc el pequeo pero lo siento tanto me caus mucha tristeza como un pequeo tuvo que pasar eso en silencio muchos estamos con ustedes el pequeo es uno ms y tenemos que hablar lazar la vos para ya no permitir el maltrato para evitar ms cosas mi ms sentido psame a la familia y descanso eterno para este pequeo que Dios te tenga en sus manos y le d fuerzas a tu familia. I can't imagine what his family feels. Little pretty boy you will never be forgotten. Tu mirada dulce que le da rostro a una lucha. May the pain turn into beautiful memories. Luchemos por entregar a la sociedad personas integras, empticas, con un alto nivel de amor a la humanidad en todos los sentidos. My heart breaks for your family may your little soul Sleep in peace. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday November 16 2022 at 100 PM at McLauchlin Chapel AME Zion Church. Nuestras condolencias y que el amor sea mas fuerte, no mas bullyng, mas amor, menos bullyng. I know how much you're hurting. This system has failed so many kids my heart is with you all! I am 16 with a little brother as well & i just want to say to your daughters that they are as strong as can be. I truly am heartbroken for you all. 2021. I pray for Drayke to find peace up in Heaven and to protect you all from up above. I give you my conolences and strength for your whole family, let's hope the little one is better and taking care of them from a better, happy and peaceful place. Mandales muchas fuerzas!!! Big hugs from London Ontario Canada, My deepest condolences to your family from mine , no one deserves to lose a child like this ! Read Jasper Mcmillian's complete obituary here: I'm so sorry you felt like you had to do what you did. I cannot imagine the pain that the family will have at this time and the pain that you felt Drayke Precious Angel give strength to your family, friends and loved ones to find comfort in the midst of so much sadness. I know first hand how cruel children can be to one another. Solo pido que sigan amndose. I'm so sorry for your loss ! I'm really sorry for your lost, I will have you on my prays. Que Dios permanezca siempre en sus corazones. You are absolutely right about bullying has to stop and the end I don't know if it's coming really soon, but I think changes will be start doing some effect. In 1840 there were 9 Doby families living in North Carolina. Sending love and prayers. Rest In Peace sweet boy. He might not be physically here anymore, but will forever live in your hearts and everybody who knows about him Sending you lots of love and strength. hay que parar este tipo de acoso y buscar al culpable. Descansa en paz y que nuestro padre celestial te reciba en su reino. Hay personas que tienen un propsito en este mundo, su hijo seguramente cumpli con dicho propsito. He will always be here with each of you in your thoughts, your memories and more - those can never be taken from you. Les envo mucha fuerza para intentar superar tanto dolor. Take care and look after each other. Please know that by sharing your story you are helping educate children everywhere about bullying. 8 and great of 8 and my heart bleeds for your family. I pray for you daily and your sweet boy! As a victim of bullying, I can relate to how he must have been feeling, but I so wish he'd never felt that pain. His memory will shine light to protect other kids from bullying. This world needs more people like him and you! I send a hug and love to the family. You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. I hope that the bullies learned their lesson and pay for what they have done.. God bless his soul and his family.. May god give strength to your family. Pero el siempre los acompaara a cada momento en cada lugar. Forever in my heart little guy! AA vos mam, a vos pap, a ustedes hermanas y dems familia les envo desde aqu toda mi fortaleza y quiero hacerles saber que la partida de Drayke conmovi a nivel Nacional y el mensaje contra el bulling lleg y fue dispersado por muchos y en el mejor momento ya que, en Argentina, las clases estn prontas a comenzar. Rest in peace Drayke. Please know you are loved by many! Mis condolencias para sus padres y toda su familia, envo un fuerte abrazo con mucha fuerza a ustedes y a todas las familias que pasan por esta misma situacin, vivimos en un mundo difcil, cada persa no vive sus propias batallas desde el nacimiento hasta su ltimo suspiro, nuestro grano de arena de cada uno sera ensear a nuestros hijos o sobrinos a ser amables con todos, as podemos cambiar al mundo de esta pena y as esta tristeza no ser en vano - my condolences to your family little boy, go and fly high, wish you found the peace you need and hope you're now in heaven with our lovely God and you're family that past away, send hugs. Y q el pueda descansar en paz. Your passage through this life was very short, but I am sure that you marked the lives of all those who knew you for good. I give you my sincere condolences. Ava McAllister-Baldwin Visitation will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2022 from 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. May God hold you tight in His arms now and always. Sending love and prayers to your family may your guardian angel continue to hold you tight. Mis mas sentidas condolencias a la familia del pequeo Drayke, es lamentable y penoso ver un mundo tan cruel, con tanta maldad y falta de empata con el prjimo. De solo ver las imgenes mi corazn se rompe. "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?". Quera Familia, es muy doloroso lo que ha sucedido. I pray he visits you often in your dreams. May you find peace knowing you will see each other again. i'm so sorry for your loss and may the best days come your way. Read Carolyn Smith's Obituary. I hope he is now at peace and can watch over his family from above. esto debe parar no al acoso. Dios lo tenga en su santa gloria,la tierra se qued sin una de las flores ms lindas. Drayke will continue to love you, love and care, from wherever he is now. Sentimos mucho la prdida de su pequeo, les mandamos un clido abrazo, que Dios les de la fortaleza para seguir adelante. Peace and Blessing to the Hardman family. This is my worst nightmare as parents and it hurts me so much to read your story. Prayers for your family. M ms sentido pesame para sus padres y hermanos. I cannot imagine the heartbreak your family is feeling. Quiero expresarle que mis ojos no dejan de llorar por ese ngel yo tengo un hijo de 13 aos al igual que ustedes estudia 7 grade y siento tanto dolor pero estoy tratando de entender que ya no estar con su familia y me duele mi corazn. Ensales a las estrellas a brillar! I dealt with "teasing" as it was called in my day and my sons and sadly, now granddaugther have dealt with/are dealing with bullying. We are so sorry for your loss and know that his story has touched so many lives, especially our family. Mis ms sinceras condolencias he estado consternada muy triste sintiendo mucho su dolor me ha tocado mucho, espero cada da puedan sobrellevar esta perdida tan grande y sientan un poco de consuelo para su corazn abrazos Youre in my thoughts/prayers/heart.Rip Drayke Love from Belgium. All Rights Reserved. God bless your family and beautiful Drayke prayers for you all. My prayers go out to each and every one of you. Les envo muchas bendiciones y energa para que continen con ese legado, a pesar del momento terrible por el que estn pasando no desfallescan, mi corazn y el de mi familia estn con ustedes. My condolences, I send you my condolences and I don't even want to imagine the pain it feels to lose a child for these reasons. Tambin se que como padres quisiramos estar ah 24/7 cuidando de nuestros bebs, y algunas veces nos ocupamos en otros temas que nos distraen de las seales silenciosas que de algn modo demuestran cuando se est siendo agredido por otra persona, como padres quisiramos regresar el tiempo y corregir muchas cosas, s que hubieran querido tener as sea unos segundos de tiempo para evitar que esto ocurriera, pero a pesar de todo, t hijito fue muy valiente y s que ahora est mejor, lejos de este mundo cruel y malvado. I am so sorry I just don't have any words . Just read about you in the news, buddy. I am sure God hugs him now with all His love. Soy padre de familia de un nio super hermoso de 10 aos, la noticia me cay como agua fra, ninguna muerte tiene sentido, el sentido se lo dan personas como ustedes, el problema son los padres de esos chicos con problemas comportamentales. You don't know me. I just came across the story of your sweet boy, and my heart is broken for your baby boy and your family.. Gods speed in your healing to not only your friends and family but to those who read my message.. Rezo con todo mi corazn por Ustedes y su amado hijo, quien finalmente encontr la paz en el amor y misericordia infinita de Dios. I've cried every time when I read Samie's posts, and I didn't even have the chance to meet him, but seeing his little face and his eyes it wasn't necessary.. My heart really hurts, I can't understand that there are such bad people in this world. Dobie Funeral Home : Mathis, Texas (TX) Dobie Funeral Home RECENT OBITUARIES Rogelia Marez Pena March 11, 1941 April 26, 2023 Francisca "Francis" Padilla December 15, 1985 April 28, 2023 Pamela Joyce Forshage October 30, 1955 April 26, 2023 Roman Nino III November 21, 1960 April 23, 2023 Marjorie Ann Mussman October 04, 1930 April 17, 2023 A few days ago, my mom went on a trip to heaven. Se por lo que estn pasando. I will be praying for peace and understanding for all that loved Drayke. Ralph Doby, who landed in Virginia in 1697 ; Doby Settlers in United States in the 19th Century. Dolor profundo por uno de Los tantos nios que no, Pueden lidiar con el hostigamiento de otros con maldad. Todo est hecho, tomaste decisin Pero es injusto. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 from 1:00PM until 5:00PM at Doby Funeral Home. May he rest in Gods arms until you're all together again. Oro todos los das para quehaya ms paz e igualdad en todo el mundo. siento una angustia muy grande por tu final. We are so sorry for your loss, we hope you can find peace in your hearts through God. I hope with all my heart that they can find serenity and your soul finds the peace that it couldn't find in this world. My condolences to your family! I came across Draykes funeral service on utube . Strength and faith. May he rest piece. I know that beautiful soul is looking down on Earth and watching over you. Im so sorry that you felt this was the only way out. The little bit of comfort I find in this situation is knowing that Drayke is lying down in green pastures with our Savior who is giving him complete and utter peace. Hope he is sitting next to God, helping him to fight against evil. i hope every sunset and sunrise gives you joy, you deserve it. You don't know me, I don't know you, I saw your story, it took every single tear I had in my body. I shared his story on my FB page as a reminder to parents to do their duty in raising their children to be loving and kind and to handle the issue if they ever see or hear of their child bullying others. Forever You've changed something in my heart. Les acompao en el inmenso dolor que deben estar sintiendo ante la partida de Drayke,un nio hermoso que no era para este mundo tan cruel e inhumano, su vida sera un ejemplo, el acoso ya sea fisico o sicologico se ha apoderado de la sociedad y somos nosotros quienes debemos ser capaces de erradicar. He was a Star and left yo a better place. I know words can't take away the pain but I do want to say I'm so deeply sorry about the loss of this precious child. I don't think I have ever cried so many tears for someone I have never met , I am so sorry for your loss and I am so sorry that your little man had to go through what he did . I am so sorry. Sorry for your lost, to all the family and friends, Drayke will be always remember for all over the world, you lost your boy, but heaven just win an angel. Thoughts and prayers pour out for you!. My middle child that's 15 now was bullied in middle school and not much was done about which makes my very upset with this system. Fly high sweet Drayke!! You had beautiful eyes. God please protect young Drayke and hold him tight. Y un gran beso al cielo! He Will always be. My deepest condolences, love and prayers to this beautiful family. When the breeze blows gently, remember their softness, when the sun shines brightly, remember their spirit, when the river bubbles slowly, remember their kindness. Ser una verdadera fiesta ese reencuentro! No te he dejadotan slo me adelant un poco en el paso y volveremos a estar juntos. Family and friends are coming together online to create a special keepsake. Estoy en el silencio de tu suspiro. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterdayor you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. My condolences go out to your whole entire family. Rest precious child. This boy deserved so much better. Cmo hacemos entender.. si aveces hasta nosotros mismo somos parte de esto Mientras veo fotos .. y observo comentarios ..mientras las redes hablan sobre el tema Duele.. duele como si fuera nuestro hijo.. duele como si fuera hoy.. duele como si furamos el sufriendo esa violencia verbal sicolgica y fsica.! You made an impact on those around you during your time on earth, and your spirit is helping those around the world, even if you are not here to see it. I just want to give my biggest condolences to this family . There is no photo or video of Bessie Doby Frick.Be the first to share a memory to pay tribute. I want to protect all of these sweet souls from any ill will. Siento mucho la prdida de este lindo nio, el era demasiado para este mundo tan cruel, espero que realmente este caso cree conciencia de hasta donde el bullying puede llegar. Este tipo de maltrato se puede dar en distintas formas y por favor hay detenerlo a tiempo para que las siguientes generaciones no causen esto. My greatest condolences go out to you guys. Um bullying silencioso que no ouvimos e no vemos. My heart bleeds with you! Ese angelito ya est en el cielo, quisas vino al mundo a buscar sus alas y ensearnos esto Espero que no ocurra ms. i hope he has spred his wings and are now flying hight!<3 Lots of love from Norway!<3, Honestly there's nothing I can say to take away your heartache , But as a single mum of 2 boys I understand the bullying side completely, we live in a cruel cruel world nowadays. Hola.. Que Dios le de la fortaleza que necesitan!! Sending your family prayers, strength and courage as you deal with the loss of your beautiful son. we are close to you, so sorry for your loss. I am very sorry for his loss, I am very sorry that there are still people to themselves in this world who hurt the most defenseless, surely he was a great child and did not deserve that end he still had a life ahead of him and that for a person who wanted to have fun cause this, it is a great pain for everyone but you are not alone much encouragement family! Words cant describe how much painful to see this happen. May God be with you and your family during this time and may that sweet boy Rest In Peace in the arms of the Lord. As an early years teacher, I am committed and aligned with this purpose. He will be here and there until you see him again. May he Rest In Peace and God bless his soul, I pray and pray for your soul, I hope you are with God and the angels now. . He luchado, lucho y luchar con uas y dientes contra el acoso escolar Por ti, por todos los que no tienen voz, por mi yo de 12 aos. Desgraciadamente los conoc en redes sociales por este trgico suceso. Sending all the light and love my family can muster your way. No 'Thoughts & Prayers' sentiments will cradle the broken hearts of his parents & sisters! Hasta siempre pequeo ngel de ojos de cielo. Our temporary home, Drake is home and a True Angel, I feel deeply sorry for your loss :( my heart is defenitely broken. Abrazos al cielo, el mundo llora con ustedes, ahora mas que nunca debemos ser fuertes y prevenir que estas injusticias pasen, vivimos en un mundo cruel lleno de gente cruel y asquerosa, mando mis respetos a la familia, en paz descanse, He is with Jesus now. Ruego a Dios que sane y de paz a sus corazones con alguna seal de que nuestro Drayke se encuentra bien y a salvo de cualquier dolor. Nothing anyone says can ever take your pain away, I'll be praying for your family's healing. "You will call, and I will answer you. No puede seguir pasando esto!!! Que Dios los llene de amor, de fortaleza, en estos momentos, tal vez no hay palabra de consuelo ante esta situacin, pero Diosito nunca los dejara. Im very sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences. Sending my love & prayers. Thank you for being a warrior and for teaching us kindness. All my love and all my thoughts are with you. Fuerza a tus papis que seguro te extraan muchsimo. Sending prayers of love and peace. May he rest in eternal peace. i could never tell you i know how this feels but i can tell you the world is here to help change and keep this from happening to any other beautiful little boys and girls. May your light shine forever in a better place we like to call heaven. From one father of a child gone to Heaven to another, I am so sorry that you are now in this new life. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a traumatic experience. But you will learn how to live with it. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. Makes me sick to my stomach. May God comfort your hearts and fill you with strength. you will be in our hearts forever, rest in peace! Asnee, I send my condolences for your loss. How brave as parents and family have wanted to share the painful story of their little Drayke. Fuerzas a tu familia. I have so much anger as to why people can be so mean to others. My heart is crying for little Drayke and how unfaire is all this. I pray He guides you all and gives you strength and wisdom. Graveside service will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at Fairley Family Memorial Garden **The Baldwin Family request that all attendees wear mask for the funeral service that will be held at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters. I have suffered bullying too in my childhood. When we knew abou it, we felt sorrow and mourned with you, we concerned and prayed for you and for the kids who are suffering of bullying. I am truly deeply sadden by your loss of such an amazing kid. Y todos los padres, cuiden a sus hijos, escuchenlos, amnlos, jams los dejen solos, no permitan que nadie los lastime. Never feel guilty if your son is all you want to talk about. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 1:00 PM at JW Turlington School Auditorium. We will talk to our children about bullying, about pain, and about sharing our fears, sorrows, and our hurting. What a beautiful little boy. My condolences to the family, no child in the world deserves to end up like Drayke, I hope that society begins to change for the better! I am sending you the best vibes of love may the Lord give you soon the resignation you need so much. I'm so sorry for your pain it breaks my heart seeing the pictures of your sweet boy you and your family are in my prayers may GOD be always by your side and may your beautiful precious Boy RIP.
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